Monday, April 20, 2009

This one comes from the folder 'My Writeups and Ppts' on my laptop. Should have been here a long time ago. Then again, a lot of things should have been at a lot of places. But are they really there?
I suggest we go look for them sometime. They must just be inside us, curled up, in front of the warmth of our heart's radiance pondering on just how hideously slothful can our beings get, simmering with anger and wanting to self destruct: once and for all.

Oh, and of course, sloth and wrath are amongst the seven cardinal sins.

Whatever, before this turns into being much more hopeless than I originally intended it, to be, and before you are left wondering that either I am totally nuts, or at a different plane of existence altogether, a heightened or a damned level of conscience, and before you start blaming yourself for the world's miseries in general, and your own in particular (You chose to visit this, and read thus far, didn't you. So there.), I would come back to the originally intended subject of the post.

Here we go, alea alea alea (Yeah, cool song Martin, has stayed with me since I was 16).

Alright, I wrote this as part of the application for the Corporate Communications Cell at MDI. The people there were thoroughly impressed/floored/confused, and took me in. I refuse to go away since then, and they have been repenting their moment of insanity ever since.

Oh, and btw, am particularly proud of the level of thought that has gone into this writeup. Of course, people would tend to dismiss it as mere hokum. But, then, as Orwell so famously said: "Sanity is never statistical." And, as I like to say (plagiarised again, of course), "Truth is never a function of the number of people adhering to it."
Its 1:15 am. Perhaps, just for this once, I am insane.

That's about it. Here is the writeup (Really! And, you thought, it would never come? God is kind. Of course, only if he/she actually exists. But, I would tackle that topic with Douglas Adam's assistance sometime later. Perhaps tomorrow. Let us see.And hope. For hope is a good thing. And no good thing ever dies. Or so Shawshank people, and in particular Tim Robbins, believed.)

And, now, I present THE POST!!

The Infinite Monkey Theorem

They say “Monkeying around is serious business!”

They also say that “The surest way of making a monkey of a man is to quote him.”

Well, looks like they were all an idle bunch of infinite monkeys having an infinite amount of spare time along with infinite energy, and they collectively in their infinite wisdom decided that if they infinitely speak random stuff, there will finally emerge a George W. Bush like a monkey from the ashes where a phoenix was supposed to come out!

Yes, I know I’ve made a monkey out of myself, but as I say: “It’s not about the man in the monkey, but the monkey in the man that counts!” (Sorry, dear monkey descendent (anthropos) researchers (ologists)!)

Speaking about my infinite ‘monkeying around’ talents, I’ll say what Prince Charles once said: “I learnt the way a monkey learns-by watching its parents.” All right, now that I’ve finally evolved into a prince from an erstwhile monkey, I hereby declare that I’m eligible and available for an infinite number of kisses from a scarce number of the most beautiful women.

If after reading this masterpiece (comparable to the greatness of The Bard’s ‘Hamlet’), you feel like a monkey ready to tear your hair apart, hold on, I’ve another quote for you from a certain Mr. Donald Rumsfeld: “Keep your sense of humour. As General Joe Stillwell said, "The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."”

Further speaking of what is my personal ‘behind’, I’ve proved to be a rather smart (and conceited) monkey thus proving the infinite monkey theorem right. Out of 5 million possible candidates, my talents earned me a 99+ percentile in the Mensa Test (a global I.Q. test). Some random pen strokes out of close to infinite possibilities earn me this honour!

Signing off now: as Douglas Adams said when he was referring to the dolphins: “So long, and thanks for all the fish!” (What? No monkeys here? Sorry, the quota for them has already exceeded infinity!)

---- EOW (End of Writeup!)

Shall be back later, perhaps tomorrow with an extremely random (yep even by my randomer than the randomest random standards) poem that I composed for a close friend on his Happy Birthday to Him...


Expectations Be..nd said...

global IQ test? Any website you logged in to?

Pratyush said...

Nope. Was talking of the Mensa test. Google Mensa and find out!

The Illuminator said...

Another few that I liked,

“If you had a million Shakespeares, could they write like a monkey?” (you have surely provided the answer)

“An example from the monkey: the higher it climbs, the more you see of its behind” (talking of the people who talked monkey-busness in your post)

You were smooth at the point of self-glorification ;)

Pratyush said...

@ The Illuminator,

Merci Beaucoup!
And ah yes, smooth indeed! :D

However, I was forced to wonder if you had a legal name?

P.S.: Glanced at your introduction. Good stuff. still, no name.
